Silk Road forums
Market => Product requests => Topic started by: Unbraided on September 10, 2012, 04:05 am
There's a distinct lack of packs of syringes and needles for steroid cycles. I'd use at least 40 for a 10 week cycle, so 50 seems like a good number. The syringes on here are really expensive compared to what you can buy on the clearnet.
But, I want to avoid buying them on the clearnet, just to keep it off my financial history, plus I'm for any sales that support SR. :)
I'd personally want to buy a 50 pack of 23g 1.5" 1+ml syringes for glute/quad shots.
Hell, even a "cycle kit' would be pretty cool. Gloves, wipes, syringes, bandaids, lollipops (for after the shot)...
You can find this stuff on clearnet if no one here sells it....
I was thinking of starting up selling syringes and such of all kinds but werent sure about sizes for ppl with your purposes. :)
My bad.... I must admit I only scanned your post looking for the size you were talking about. no clearnet. got it.
I was thinking of starting up selling syringes and such of all kinds but werent sure about sizes for ppl with your purposes. :)
Yeah, sizes vary depending on where you shoot. 25-28g 1" for delts, 21-25g 1.5" for glutes/quads. If you're doing it really clean, you end up using one needle to draw and another to inject. So 2 needles per injection, and shooting *at least* 2 times a week depending on the gear you're running... multiplied over 10 weeks or more... see how that adds up? Lol.
Would just buy 'em here, but so far no one offers a reasonable price. A box of 100 is like 20 bucks, that'd i'd buy from you for 25-30. Maybe buy it by proxy and ship to people?
Yeah, and i personally want 23g 1.5".
I also need 23 gauge needles and am tired of driving to get them. So, someone get to selling.
bump, still lookin
bump, still lookin
go to the apothecery /drugstore i buy 10 at one time every week for like 1.5-2€